The Tinder for study sessions

@Jan 2019 - May 2019

Through this student-lead app project, I had the opportunity to build a pensive app that pairs students to like-minded study groups for rewarding study sessions. The app combines carefully selected factors like location, class, professor, and study time to schedule study sessions that could be pivotal to their academic success.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to build this app through the Projects program hosted by the Association of Computer Machinery at UTD. The selective program groups students into developer teams to build an app through a semester.

My Project Progress

Throughout this app project, I integrated Google Maps widget on Flutter to display study locations and paired users from a shared compatibility score using DART. Flutter is a framework built on Dart, an object-oriented and compiled language developed by Google. We chose Flutter because we have the ability to target iOS devices in the future.

The most prominent challenge I faced during my time on this project was working around using Google Maps widget. This was the first time a worked with Flutter, so using widgets was new to me. Even so, I had to pinpoint the longitude and latitude of the study locations I displayed on the Google Map, which was a tedious but fruitful process.

App Pitch

At the end of the semester, my team and I pitched our project at the ACM UTD Project Pitch night:

Presentation Night

Summary of Tools

I used these tools to implement my project goals:

<aside> 💡 Throughout my college experience, I've fortunately come across many opportunities to pitch ideas to investors, and I'd like to think this has greatly improved my public speaking!
